Émile Jacques Ruhlmann
Loupe d’Amboine, shagreen, and bronze.
This extraordinary dressing table in Loupe d’Amboine, shagreen, and bronze (originally commissioned in 1927 for a Mrs. Berkowitz), is distinctive of the celebrated Art Deco designer in its recognizable curves, its elegant proportions, the variety of the lush materials employed in its creation, and, above all, the attention to craft obvious in each of its most minute details.
- Florence Camard, Ruhlmann, Editions du regard, Paris, 1999. SImilar dressing table shown
page 275.
- Emmanuel Bréon, Ruhlmann les archives, vol. 2 le mobilier, Flammarion publisher, Paris,
2004, the detailed drawing with precise dimensions and photograph of the model shown
pages 98 and 99.